
The root cause of health problem in the community A68

The root cause of health problem in the community

As we found out some root causes of the health problem in the community for example lack of nutrition for the children, lack of education to villagers. On behalf a community health worked (CHW) has trained about the public health so you should view what is long term and short term of improvement the health in the community. You should do what to improve the better health and what you should make the priority action taken to solve the problem, you, CHW would understand clearly to help the villagers to live healthy. You are responsible to implement the activity and where you should do when? And what you implement?

During the meeting with the villagers, CHW has identified the root cause of the health problem in the community already. You can catch up all these problem related with the community health, so CHW for the village has a big responsibility for keeping the good health for the villagers (not only the villagers have relation, or only villagers come to meet you at home at all, but you go to meet them). CHW should conduct the home visit to explore what is their habit and what is importance for some villagers living with healthy and what the challenges or risky of villagers living unsafely? Before you and your community want to make the action plan you should consider what the needs of the villagers are and what are the suggestions of the villagers? What action plan to be taken? To do these activities you should do as following:

1. What they want (purpose): What they want to solve the problem
2. The requirement: The stage that villagers faced the problem
3. Willingness to do: what they want to do and what action plan to be taken
4. Sources: As individual, materials or money to achieve the outcomes

For example the real case of the man smoke the cigarettes and the man come to meet you when he serious sickness – cough. So what you should do?

1. His purpose to meet with you is to stop cough
2. The requirement during meeting with you is to stop smoking the cigarettes
3. The willingness is to stop his cough it means stop smoking himself. To solve this stop smoking the cigarettes, CHW should explain the risk of smoking cigarettes
4. The source to help him from stopping smoking cigarettes is to educate him about the risk of smoking to damage the health and family.

To collect the baseline data from the villagers about the health issues, and their needs you should develop the questionnaires. Those questionnaires is not so long and spend more times, and not complication. To collect information, first of all you should understand what they want and what their need? When you develop the questionnaires to data collection you should focus on:

1. The needs of villagers – what the villagers need? What they can improve?
2. Household and hygiene – what kind of the household? Does the household keep lean? Where they sleep? Is there any insect or germ in their house?
3. Demography and population – how many population this village? How many populations aged less than 15 years old? How many populations can read and write? What level of their education?
4. Food and nutrition – how many mother feed their baby? Are the baby is healthy? How many people have enough food?
5. Land for farming and food production – Do they have enough farm production for the family? Do they grow the vegetable for the family? How many families have enough land to farm?
6. Treatment and health – What is the role and responsible of midwife and community health worker? What kind of medical do you use? How did they treat when they have sickness? 7. Self-help – What kind of the health issues can prevent themselves? What action plan to be taken?

After reviewing and analyzed the data collection from the field, CHW should think what need? What resources to support the implementation? When we start to implementation the project? You and your community members should decide what are the priority action plans to do to improve the community health? For example, in the village they found some villagers had lack of nutrition for the children which are the root causes of the health. The villagers did not have good health if they have enough food to eat.

This is an example that villagers join together to solve the health problem that they faced so far to have enough food to eat to support the body healthy. Remember that some action plan can result quickly and some action plan can see the result long time. There are some suggestions to help the villagers to have enough food to improve the nutrition such as home garden, alternative planting – this year planted corn and next year plant ground nut, family fish raising, bee raising, and make organic farm.
