
kikilu at public chair 136

Health Unite for Community Improvement

Community health worker (CHW) is educator. As you knew already bout how many problem related with the health and you can imagine that CHW in your community has a big responsibility to work effectively to solve this problem. In fact you did not get much benefit from this job even you try to educate villagers in your community. However the villagers are high responsible in their worker and their community health so they can help to improve their community as well.

Social well-being of your community depends on their activities in the community but not only individual. To be this idea happen, first of all we need contribution and responsibility and sharing the knowledge as well. So the main responsibility of CHW in the community is to teach villagers, children, parents, farmers, teachers as possible as you can. Your methodologies of your teaching are flexible and using participatory approach which the participants are able to understand and get the knowledge at end of the session. Your teaching is to help the villagers and other have enough skill and getting all information related with the problem of community health. Good teacher does not mean give the idea or suggestion to the participants. He/she helps the participants to create the own initiative idea to find the way how to solve or response the problem faced. Teaching and learning is for all level of education – it is not student school or health education. They do to educate them at home, rice filed, and on the road. As you are CHW has a great opportunity of the teaching is when you have a treatment process. But you can think the other opportunity to exchange the opinion or ides each other to contribute to help the villagers to worker as team and join together for the healthy community.

There are more steps of implementation for villagers and community to learn for working together to achieve the goal. The following activities are some ideas for the CHW to work with community to drive the project successful:

1. Working with community health committee – We can select one group of the villagers who have the health problem to work together to plan the village action plan to improve the community well-being. For example: digging to make place to keep compost or making the toilet. Your contributions to these activities are very helpful to support the villagers to make change their behavior.

2. Group discussion: Parents, students, adult, traditional medical, and other people in the community can discuss about their needs and the issues of health which are related with community health. The CHW assist the participants to share their concern and idea how to plan, and how to improve their community health.

3. Village Energize Games: The community project such as water prevention program or community environment prevention can be resulted if they worked in the team with responsibility. They can lead the energized game which can find in the community with soft drink so you work will be reached the goal.

4. Cooperation: Villagers can mobilize their resources to support the community health.
5. Visit the school: You can communicate with local teachers in your community to ask permission to visit the school to share the problem of health issues. During your visit you can present your topics including fun game to attract the student to participate.

6. Parents meeting about the health issues: It is important activities for the pregnant, and mother has children age under 5 years old and can share the health issues of their babies and their children. The regularly following the community health center is very importance to track the progress and be able to learn to improve the skill. The mother can keep the assessment booklet in hand for following up the progress of their children such as weight, nutrition, vaccination injection.

7. Home visit: You can schedule to make home visit by travelling from house to house to observe which house faced the health problem and decide not go to hospital or they did not participate with other activities in the community. Even you found the issues in their family but you still make a good relationship with them.

In conclusion to understand their need, their activities, and further information from them you should learn by doing with them, stay in community, and work any activities together, so your work will achieve the goal of your project. This activity help you consider about the sustainability of the community health which the community improvement.
