
Hot News ! Khmer students 72

Healthcare Promotion

Considering the more detail about the community development and community healthcare are concerning the problem of drug used in the community. We would not now the more information related with the medical use it is right or wrong and what problem if the villagers go to buy the medicine themselves for their family without consulting with the nurses. There are many people concerned about unbalance of inequities of health from various group in society which the cause of reduce the sustainability if anyone else have to the good accessibility of health care and the affordable medical care services.

At the time, there was widespread acceptation that majority of health unbalance is in existed in government committed to decrease these matter giving the good medical support to everyone to be able to pay and give the best medical checking care to anyone including free cost to improve the overcomes of health services. The research has concluded that the major cause of poverty is come from the inequities service providing for the community which gave the gap between community and community, between high class and low class of people live from different aspect. it means the poor family cannot have good medical care like upper class family. Thus only the network of community health worker who has been selected in each community can help to support their community to reduce the gaps and provide the good service them as the policy stated. It is the key strategic to improve the community health by evolving the community members to retain basic health services to the communities. Protection is priority choice to help community members by conducting the education promotion, outreach activities and awareness training. But there is hard to explain if there are some members of the community get a sick or dead.

The roles and activities of community health workers are important. But some cases Community Health Workers performed the job very well and was ranged as national wide. It might be they have multi-job or different responsibility and in other cases Community Health Workers was nominated for variety works and provide the intervention to support their community. Community Health Worker can do major support to community development and, more specifically, can improve access to basic health services. So Community Health Workers can carry out any action taken to engage improvement the health result of community, especially, in the field of child health, primary health care, and health promotion program. Although the health worker carry out the effective activities, they can give the good services such as give the good health impact and the quality of services for poor people. The Community Health Worker is needed more increasing in support such as training, management, supervision and logistics.

Community Health Worker is a part of social work and need to pay attention in p0romoting healthcare and prevent disease in the community. They must be directed to work as individual and people live. If we have failure to consider about the community, we will not be able with at-risk and diseased population. The fundamental force of social work is played the importance role for health as individual and could being able to participate in the social factors that influence their lives in community development programs.
