Section VI. Inspection
161. (Offer of inspection)
An offer of inspection shall indicate the object to be inspected.
162. (Production of object to be inspected, etc.)
1. The provisions of Articles 148 (Offer of documentary evidence, etc.), 152 (Order
to produce documents, etc.) and 153 (Effect of party's failure to comply with order
to produce documents, etc.) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the production or
sending of the object to be inspected.
2. If a third party fails without reasonable cause to comply with an order of
production made pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Article 152 (Order to produce
documents, etc.), which applies mutatis mutandis under Paragraph 1, the court
may issue a ruling imposing a civil fine on the third party of not more than
2,000,000 riels.
3. A Chomtoah appeal may be made against a ruling made pursuant to Paragraph 2.