
Section III. Transmittal of Judgment 101

Section III. Transmittal of Judgment
186. (Effectiveness of judgment)
A judgment shall become effective when it is pronounced.
187. (Date of pronouncement of judgment)
A pronouncement of judgment shall be made within one month of the date on which oral argument is concluded. However, this shall not apply where the case is complex or where other special circumstances exist.

188. (Method of pronouncement of judgment)
1. A pronouncement of judgment shall be made in open court on the appointed date, based on the original of a written judgment, and the text of the judgment shall be read aloud by the presiding judge. However, if circumstances prevent the presiding judge from making a pronouncement by him/herself, an associate judge may do it on his behalf.

2. A pronouncement of judgment may be made even if the parties are not present in court.
3. Where deemed appropriate, the presiding judge may read the reasons for the judgment or verbally summarize it in court.

189. (Written judgment)
1. A written judgment shall include the following matters:
(a) the court;
(b) the date on which oral argument was concluded;
(c) the names and addresses of the parties and of their legal representatives;
(d) the facts and the matters in dispute;
(e) the grounds for the decision; and
(f) the main and conclusive text of the judgment.

2. The statement of the facts and the matters in dispute shall be based on, and include, a summary of the statements of the parties.

3. The written judgment shall be signed by the judge or judges that issued the judgment.

4. If circumstances prevent judges belonging to a panel of judges from signing the written judgment, other judge(s) shall sign the judgment and indicate the reason for the absence of each such judge's signature on the judgment.

190. (Service of written judgment)
1. The written judgment shall be served on the parties within two weeks of the date of pronouncement of judgment.

2. The service described in Paragraph 1 shall be carried out using an authenticated copy of the written judgment.
