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Section II. Structure of Courts
23. (Individual and panel systems for trials of first instance)
1. Courts of first instance shall handle cases by a single judge, except for the cases described in Paragraph 2.

2. The following types of cases shall be handled by a panel of judges:
(a) cases in which the value of the subject matter of the action equals or exceeds 5 million riels, and it is determined that adjudication of the case using a panel of judges is appropriate, taking into consideration the number of parties and any other relevant circumstances;

(b) cases in which it is established by law that the case should be heard and adjudicated by a panel of judges.

3. A panel described in Paragraph 2 shall consist of three judges, one of which shall be the presiding judge.

4. Where a panel of judges conducts the trial and decision pursuant to the provisions of subparagraph (a) of Paragraph 2, the panel shall issue a ruling as such.

24. (Deliberations of panel)
1. The deliberations of a panel in a case shall not be open to the public.
2. The deliberations shall be commenced and controlled by the presiding judge.
3. Each judge shall express his/her opinions during the deliberations.
4. The progress of the deliberations, as well as the opinions of the judges and the size of the majority, shall be maintained in strict secrecy.

25. (Decision by panel)
1. A case shall be decided in accordance with the opinions of the majority of the judges comprising the panel.
2. Each judge comprising the panel shall be given an equal vote.
